By The Canadian Press August 3 1951 Ottawa Citizen
Canada's Governor - General and his two sons arrived here yesterday by plane from a six weeks stay In England, and paused only briefly before hitting the western trail.
While Viscountess Alexander follows from England by boat, the "men-folk" of the vice-regal family arc bound for Indian powwows In Canada's Western Prairie and fishing on British Columbia's Pacific Coast.
They leave by train tonight.
Back at their new home, "Nightingales," In Buckinghamshire, the men of the family and Lady Alexander have been busy with domestic chores such as decorating the rooms and painting screens against the time when the family goes "home" next year.
Now the Governor-General, along with Brian, 16, and Shane, 12, are off on what may be His excellency's last trip west before his tour of office expires next spring.
"Stag" Affair
For Viscount Alexander, It's the 116th official tour of his tenure of office. Usually, he goes alone or with his wife, leaving the boys at home. This time it's a "stag" affair including the sons.
In a recent interview, Viscount Alexander was reported as, saying he believed the sons will make their careers in Canada, and that if he were a young man, he would do so himself. For the boys, this trip will be something special.
At Lethbridge, on Aug. 8, they will attend an Indian pow-wow at which their father will be admitted to the Crazy Dog society, an honor up to now reserved for blood braves. He will also be inducted into the select Kanai Chieftain's Association as Chief Pit-O-To-Kon, or "Chief Eigle Head." The annual sundance rites of the blood tribe, Blackfoot Confederacy, will be held at the same time.
Heading for Vancouver through the Rockies, the trio, accompanied by a tutor and a valet, embark Aug. 10 aboard the private yacht of the Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia, Clarence Wallace.
"Where Fishing's Best"
A Government House spokesman said he doubted if plans have been made for the 11-day boat trip up the scenic Pacific Coast, However, the yacht, "Walithy" would undoubtedly visit the spots "where the fishing's best."
After brief visits to Vancouver and Victoria, the Alexander boys will meet their mother at Victoria Aug. 24. Together, the family will head back for Ottawa by train, taking a three-day stop-over at Banff National Park, Alta., to top off the month-long Jaunt.
Viscountess Alexander, who leaves' England by boat this weekend, will land at New York and visit with friends in California. The family is due in Ottawa Sept. 1.