This blog is being established in honor of my mother, Polly Anne Reynolds Sowle and will document her life’s journey between 1975 and 1987. Along with her journey, I will document the historical research she completed of the 1917 Yacht Walithy, now Odalisque.
I would love for you to join me in reliving her journey and appreciating the historical information of the Yacht so that this information is never lost and available for Classic Yacht enthusiasts in the future!
This blog is setup so that everyone can comment, the idea is to add additional relevant information. When posting comments please be courteous to everyone, if you wouldn’t say it to your grandmother don’t comment here!


Odalisque under way, Aurora Bridge in background, Seattle WA
Odalisque docked at Lees Landing
Captain Dick Sowle on a whale on Blake Island Washington
The Captain at rest with his pal
Wheelhouse of the Odalisque on Lake Union, Seattle WA

1 comment:

  1. Boy, does this being back some memories! I remember the Walithy back in the mid-1960's in Vancouver BC when it was owned by Les & Babe Simmers. (We had a much smaller boat.) Les Simmers ran the Valetor Dry Cleaners in Vancouver.

    Stuart T., Mission, British Columbia
